Myths About Hemp
Does CBD make you high? Any time cannabis products, such as hemp, medicinal marijuana, and pure CBD oil, are discussed, this and many other questions and preconceived notions are brought into the conversation. It is important to understand the truth and separate it from the myths about hemp. For instance, is CBD oil legal? Is it addictive? Can children utilize it? Will it show up in a drug test? These questions, among others, are very important parts of the CBD oil conversation and should not be brushed off. Leaving these questions unanswered or providing myth instead of the facts can be detrimental to everyone's health.
As much as we would like to tell you that CBD oil is 100% legal, healthy, and acceptable, we must not cloud facts with our opinion or myth. Whether you believe in the use of CBD oil to help people heal and live an overall healthier life, or you are against it, there is a truth behind the myth that should be expressed to anyone who is interested in learning more about CBD oil and hemp byproducts. Therefore, we will present the truth to each of these questions, with as much detail as possible.
Is CBD Oil Legal?
This is likely the most important question most people ask regarding CBD oil, its purchase, and its use, but it’s actually a two-part question. First, is it legal at all? Then, is it illegal without a prescription? Overall, CBD is legal in all fifty states. As a byproduct of hemp, CBD Oil contains no illegal substance that would place it in any illegal categories. The idea is to make sure you are purchasing your CBD oil from a reputable business that follow the laws and offers the oil for its health and beauty benefits to those that could truly benefit from its use.
It has been shown that with a prescription, CBD oil vape may be more easily obtainable. There are many movements, both grassroots and corporate backed programs, that are attempting to make sure byproducts of hemp, such as CBD oil, are not considered illegal in the federal courts in the same way in which they are legal in the state courts. The issue is not necessarily whether CBD oil is legal; it is whether you are purchasing CBD oil from a licensed and reputable company that can see the health and beauty benefits, and they work to pass those along to people of all ages.
Will CBD Cause Addiction?
This is a question that has been plaguing cannabis since the dawn of time, and will now plague its derivatives, including CBD. Research has indicated that CBD is not addictive and does not contain any of the potentially addictive parts of the cannabis plant. As a matter of fact, research is also beginning to show that CBD has been shown to help decrease other addictive behaviors. A study conducted in the United Kingdom, for example, showed that individuals provided with CBD oil smoked considerably less cigarettes than those provided with a placebo. The reduced amount was so significant, it lead these individuals to experience reduced cravings as well as reducing the act of smoking itself. Others have suggested that using CBD for pain management can be helpful without the side effect of cravings in between recommended doses. Unlike pharmaceuticals, CBD has been shown to aid in pain management and pain reduction, and patients do not feel the need to continue the regiment once the pain is rightfully managed.
Is CBD Safe for Children?
As with any medication, natural or pharmaceutical, adults and children must be treated differently. Children are not only smaller in stature, but they are in different developmental stages. Some medicines, as a result, will affect them differently than they will affect adults. Dosages need to be adjusted accordingly and children must be monitored more closely to see any adverse side effects that result from the usage of these medications. While the same is true for CBD oil, where the dosages need to be modified and the effects monitored, it can still be considered safe for children. CBD oil is often recommended by holistic health counselors to aid in the treatment of autism, ADHD, juvenile diabetes, epilepsy, and numerous other childhood onset ailments and diseases. Among the numerous benefits to children using CBD oils is the lack of additional side effects that may adversely affect the development of the child, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that most people experience very little, if any, side effects, which is duplicated in children as well. Therefore, CBD oil may be considered safer for children than some, or even most, pharmaceuticals given to children and approved by the DEA and FDA.
As with any substance given to children, whether it be natural or synthetic, organic or chemically grown, nothing should be given to a child without being properly monitored. While it is safe for children and has little to no side effects, it is still an outside, foreign substance entering the body and must be monitored to ensure it is utilized correctly, and that it’s not creating any side effects that have not surfaced in the past.
Will CBD Cause Me to Fail a Drug Test?
The science behind the marijuana plant is important to understand to properly answer this question. Marijuana, as whole, is not found in a drug test. THC is the part of the marijuana plant that is found on a drug test. Utilizing hemp or other oils from a marijuana plant will not exhibit any symptoms or signs that emulate the use of THC.
That being said, most CBD oil that has been produced and sold legally does not contain THC. Even for those products which do contain THC, the amounts are so small that they are not typically traceable in a standard drug test. That is not to say that they cannot be traced or that users will not test positive for drugs if they use CBD oil. What it means is that people who utilize CBD oil as directed and do not use more than directed or suggested on a regular basis will likely not test positive for illegal or recreational drugs in their system. It is advised that if you go for any drug screening, it may be best to disclose that you are under the care of a physician who is prescribing CBD oil for a medical reason, if that is your situation. As long as you are legally entitled to take any type of medication, as per a doctor's orders where this type of medication is considered legal with a prescription, disclosing this on the form when asked if you are taking any prescribed or over the counter medications will help answer any questions if, for any reason, there are traces of THC in your urine stream.
To learn more about CBD and the myths versus the facts, contact the experts at My Health Etc. at (844) 779-2200. Their experts will be happy to help you determine is CBD oil is right for you and your family. My Health Etc. is a authorized licensed provider of CBD oil, offering the beneficial oils as part of an overall healthy lifestyle regime, that the owners, themselves practice. They have been at the forefront of the sale of this product, witnessing first-hand the health and wellness benefits of CBD oil for people who may have little to no other treatment options. Their CBD experts will be happy to answer your questions about CBD oil and of its benefits, history, and related myths.